
Gulland Padfield is the award-winning management consulting firm to the Banking and Services sectors.

Our purpose is to help businesses become institutionally client and customer-focused and to transform their operational performance, culture, growth and profitability as a consequence.

Over the last 17 years, our teams have worked with leading Banking groups, Wealth Management firms, Asset Management institutions and Services firms to provide guidance, practical support and pioneering ideas in the area of Client and Customer Strategies.

In each of our assignments for our clients, we follow the following 5 principles which we have developed over the last 17 years working in the sectors which we support.

  1. Our starting point for analyzing any issue facing one of our clients, is almost always from the outside-in. From a deeper understanding of the dynamics of markets and clients, we believe our clients and organizations like them become more successful. All the evidence on performance supports this.
  2. We have a unique focus on three service industries which gives us understanding of best practice in areas across the service sectors. We have taken years to develop our tailored approaches to working in services.
  3. We always aim to strike the appropriate balance between suggesting constructive alternatives to our clients and acknowledging of the legacy and the status quo which exists in every business. Knowing what to change, what to add, when to challenge constructively, is a skill we aim to exercise wisely every day.
  4. We enjoy working with all levels of any client that we work with. It’s important to respect the input from all levels of an organization. Useful insights come from all quarters in a business. Often the role of a consultant is to help to communicate to the top what others are unable or reluctant to say and to frame appropriate recommendations.
  5. We bring a valuable perspective from having seen what works and what doesn’t in many similar situations over 16 years of advising businesses in the services sectors.

The Client Centric approach

We have a core belief based on experience, that businesses which follow a client centric approach, enjoy higher than industry average margins, stronger client loyalty & referrals. Such businesses design and launch stronger products and more successful services and drive cross-selling across their firms.

Typically our assignments with clients have three phases. We start with a diagnostic phase to frame the issues. Secondly, we conduct focused analysis, usually of a client’s client base and markets, to provide clarity and confidence about the next steps. Thirdly, we tailor our Client Centric programmes and combine them with interim management and supportive resource, where needed, to deliver changes successfully for our clients.

Over the last 17 years, our teams have worked with many of the world’s leading high-value service businesses in investment banking, wealth management, insurance, legal services and other professional services.

With each project we bring a detailed knowledge and amassed experience of solving the unique challenges which face service industry businesses to shape effective programmes.

Our clients expect that we speak the language of experts in service and client relationships and that’s why we stick to our service sector focus. We also find that the learnings in each of the three sectors in which we focus, provide valuable learnings for our clients in other high value service industries.